Review: Asura’s Wrath

I’m gonna do my best to keep this spoiler free, however there is one slightly spoiler-ish aspect I will mention but there will be a warning.

Okay, time for my review of Ancient Aliens: The Game Asura’s Wrath. It’s totally Ancient Aliens: The Game. The game’s story is about Asura, a demigod, who is set up to look like a traitor prior to having his wife murdered and his daughter kidnapped to supply power to some serious ancient alien technology. All of this makes Asura very angry, and spurs him on his quest to quell his outrage.

Pros:  There were a lot of awesome aspects to this game, I shall list them all.

You don’t have to listen to villains’ speeches if you don’t want to. When I first discovered this in the demo, I near vidyagasmed. You have the option of shutting them up in the middle of their speech and can even earn achievements/trophies for doing so.  Every game ever needs this feature.

Super epic battles. Some of the stuff in this game was so insane, I couldn’t comprehend it as it was happening. Fighting on the moon for no apparent reason, fighting guys 3x the size of the Earth, fighting a boss with six arms, fighting a boss with no arms, continuing to not die after everything, it’s insane.

The characters and Voice Acting. I really liked the VA’s in this game, I didn’t like all of the charters but there were a few that I loved enough to make up for the rest.  I’m gonna fan-girl right now and say that Asura in particular has a damn sexy voice.

The music. The music in this game was a mix of original compositions (I’m pretty sure at least, I couldn’t confirm), classical music and some classical remixes. It was key in making the battles and cut scenes more moving.

A hint of male exploitation. Just a tad, there was a little female exploitation… but I feel like the bit of male exploitation was enough to make it almost even. I do think they had women in mind with the one part I’m talking about 😀

.. I couldn't resist. I don't count this as a spoiler because it reveals nothing about the story line XD

Feeling Empowered Afterwards. Not all of the game is like this, but a fair amount leaves you feeling absolutely awesome afterwards. It also really helped me relax, ironically enough.

Cons: If you’ve been reading my blog you should know I can find problems with anything… here we go.

The price. Now although I had a lot of fun with this game it was way too short to be worth $60. This game would be totally worth $40.

You can’t read the text on a non-HD TV. This really pissed me off. I hate this about a lot of games. It wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t text based plot fillers in between episodes. And even on an HD TV, they have a thing for picking backgrounds that the text blends into. It was a bitch to read, but they aren’t that important.



Playing as characters other than Asura, and the bromance that ensues. The name of this game is Asura’s Wrath, not “other guy being a loser” or “Asura’s Bromance.” I did not pay to play as some other dude. I payed to play as Asura and rage against everything. Normally I like bromances, but the one in this situation didn’t really make sense seeing is how Asura is such an angry guy and not a friendly one with friends/bros.



Final thoughts: I enjoyed this game, but it’s overpriced considering its length. I will replay it, but I wish it was longer. I recommend it but I suggest waiting for the price to drop or going halfsies with a friend and sharing it.

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Scott Pool said,

    Yeah I agree about the 60 dollars being a lot for it, though I’ll probably replay mine again as well to try and get more trophies. If you go into this expecting it to be a combat heavy game you prob won’t like it, but if you’re a fan of over the top stuff like DBZ, The Matrix, Gurren Lagann, Bayonetta, DMC, etc, it’s probably worth it.

    Some people said it’s best to look at this game as an anime box set, which for 60 dollars for 18 episodes would be a great deal..

    • 2

      improperintegirl said,

      Even looking at it that way, I wouldn’t pay $60 for an anime unless it was a really, really good one like Spice and Wolf…. maybe if the episodes were a little longer.

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